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Study Plan


Information for the completion of the study plan

At the beginning of the second year, the student have to present a study plan with the choice of optional subjects.

Compilation of the Study Plan

The compilation of the study plan for students of "Pianificazione e Progettazione della Città e del Territorio" must be done with the "online Services" of the University, by connecting to the page

For any questions email to

The paper form for the study plan approval request can only be used if not enabled for on-line compilation. .



Cohort A.Y. Admissions Form Prerequisites Pre-empt
2017 2017/2018  
2016 2016/2017
2015 2015/2016  
2014 2014/2015  
2013 2013/2014  
2012 2012/2013  
2011 2011/2012  
2010 2010/2011    
2009 2009/2010    
2008 2008/2009    

The paper form for students enrolled up to A.Y. 2007/2008 (ex DM 509, codice cdl 0892) can be found at the teaching secreteriat of the Degree Course in Empoli

For the prerequisites related to previous academic years see the Student Guide


The paper form of the study plan must be delivred to the sectretariat in Empoli, dott.ssa Francesca Barontini.


odification of the study plan

Students can modify their study plan online during the activation period of the service

Graduates can modify their study plan through the paper form, attaching a copy of the previously approved plan (which can be requested in the Student Secretariat) and the € 16.00 stam


The Variation form of the study plan must be delivred to the sectretariat in Empoli, dott.ssa Francesca Barontini.




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